April Fools' Day or April Fool's Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is an annual celebration on April 1, commemorated by practical jokes and hoaxes.The player(s) of the joke(s) or hoax(es) often exposes their action by shouting "April fool(s)" at the recipient(s). Obituaries | Vulcan Advocate Vulcan Advocate - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones. Postmedia Solutions
A Guide to Gambling Legally In Nova Scotia. ... The casino is opened every single day from Monday to Sunday and it services players 24 hours a day. It's only closed on Remembrance Day, Good Friday, Christmas, and Easter Sun. ... Casino Nova Scotia puts the high-power excitement and thrill of casino gaming on display in all its grandeur. Halifax ...
Statutory holidays in Nova Scotia Statutory holidays in Nova Scotia. Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, Boxing Day and Remembrance Day are not statutory holidays. Boxing Day is a public holiday when shops are normally closed. Remembrance Day, although not a statutory holiday, is defined under the province's Remembrance Day Act as a holiday where employers have the option of giving Remembrance Day or an alternate day off. Year 2019 Calendar – Canada - Time and Date Yearly calendar showing months for the year 2019. Calendars – online and print friendly – for any year and month. ... Nova Scotia Heritage Day (Nova Scotia) Feb 18: Louis Riel Day (Manitoba) Mar 11: Commonwealth Day: Mar 17: St. Patrick's Day: ... Remembrance Day (MB, NS, ON) Nov 11: Remembrance Day (Many regions)
This monthly tabloid has found a broad and receptive audience in Tatamagouche, where it reflects the day-to-day struggles and accomplishments of life in small town Nova Scotia.
This committee planned the organization of the Garden Clubs and Horticultural Societies into a provincial body and selected the name “Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs.
The city has warm—and occasionally hot & humid—summers, generally mild spring and autumn, and often very cold & snowy winters.
Obituaries | Vulcan Advocate Vulcan Advocate - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones. Postmedia Solutions
From mid-August through Labour Day each year, the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), from which the name Exhibition Place is derived, is held on the grounds.
Remembrance Day Act - Nova Scotia Legislature AND WHEREAS the eleventh day of November has traditionally been set aside throughout Nova Scotia as a day to be kept and observed in each and every year under the name "Remembrance Day"; AND WHEREAS it is fitting that on Remembrance Day the people of Nova Scotia should pay grateful tribute to the memory of those who have died, cherish those who
Obituaries - The Inverness Oran The Inverness Oran is a newspaper publication established in 1976 serving the communities of Inverness County on the island Cape Breton located in Nova Scotia, Canada.